Virtuosity Center

a space where you can achieve

Welcome to

•Technical Mastery

•Performance Mastery

•Emotional Mastery

•Public Image Mastery

Get started

“Virtuosity is not empty exhibitionism or technical ostentation.
Virtuosity is striving for excellence through continuous improvement.
Virtuosity is putting quality in everything we do.
Virtuosity is a way of life.”

Bruno Medicina

Everything for the world-class virtuoso

Are you a professional musician? Or would you like to become one? Then you know how little the needs of those who aspire to perfection are understood by those who are accustomed to live in mediocrity.

So, at Virtuosity Center we have created a virtual environment in which everything that can help an artist (technical mastery, personal branding, relaxation, memory, performance coaching, etc.) has been analyzed in its essential components and transformed into a series of instructions that anyone – with some goodwill – can apply to their musical activity, with an obvious and immediate improvement of his results.

Bring your performance
to the highest level!

You’ve certainly heard of coaching, as the best way to achieve top-level performance in any field: just as no athlete can hope to achieve high-level results without a coach, in the same way anyone who wants excellent performance today can not hope to succeed without the help of a professional, and you’ve certainly heard of how top stars, top managers , athletes, politicians turn to the services of a coach. [Read more]

Achieve the optimal state of mind
to perform at your best

While technical mastery of the instrument is obviously essential, this is only the first step toward excellent performance. When one is acting under pressure, lack of control over one’s emotional states can lead to mistakes and lapses in memory, which in turn create additional stress and anxiety. A mental coach is the right professional to solve these kinds of problems. [Read more]

Make yourself known on all
available channels and platforms

One of the myths with which the usual music student grows is that it is enough to be good to succeed in emerging, but in our times it is not enough to be a good musician. Beyond the “savoir faire”, the “faire savoire” has become an essential component of the musician profession, and only those who are great in promoting their public image might have a satisfactory career. [Read more]

Our formula for your success!

Four Dimensions to Master,
Ten Points to focus on

Any performance, like any other human activity, is composed of multiple components, which ultimately boils down to three: a mental/emotional aspect, a physical/mechanical aspect and a public/promotional aspect; all of them finalized, in the case of music, to a live performance.
In the V.I.R.T.U.O.S.I.T.Y. Formula™ these macro aspects are broken down into their essential components, analyzed, practiced and solved so that they can be recomposed in order to obtain the best possible final result.
[Read more]

“The V.I.R.T.U.O.S.I.T.Y. Formula™”
is a book on Amazon

You can buy it here

or you can have it NOW for FREE!!!

Get "The V.I.R.T.U.O.S.I.T.Y. Formula™" for FREE!
Download Link

The V.I.R.T.U.O.S.I.T.Y. Formula™
is an Online Course

For those who do not have the opportunity to take advantage of our personal coaching services, and want to delve into the topics covered in the book, we have prepared an online course where the ten components of the V.I.R.T.U.O.S.I.T.Y. Formula™ are dissected in detail, and corresponding exercises are offered for each point, representing a compendium of the most advanced mental training techniques used by those who base their success on achieving exceptional performance.
As in individual work, the goal is to remove the blocks that prevent one from expressing one’s full potential and to achieve the so-called “state of flow,” or Hyperfluidity, the real key to truly excellent performance, that is, to create a situation in which all components of the “artist system” (technical, psychological, emotional, spiritual) are aligned and allow the artist’s interpretive idea to manifest itself without any obstacles.
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The V.I.R.T.U.O.S.I.T.Y. Formula™
is a Live Seminar

The V.I.R.T.U.O.S.I.T.Y. Formula™ seminar is a one day seminar with the aim to remove the blocks that prevent you to express your potential to the maximum

Achieving an “Effortless HyperPerformance” means creating a situation in which all components of the “artist system” (technical, psychological, emotional, spiritual) are aligned and allow the interpretative idea to manifest without any obstacles.
The techniques and exercises proposed are mediated by Neurolinguistic Programming, Fluxogenics, physical and mental training of top athletes and martial arts masters.
A concentrate of secrets that will bring your ability to unsuspected levels and allow for otherwise unthinkable progress.

This seminar concentrates specifically on helping performers break through the mental barriers that are keeping them from singing or playing the way they know they can. We all know talented performers who play or sing great in practice or under normal circumstances, but when the pressure is on—in a high-stakes situation—they crumble or get so nervous it really affects their performance. When this happens at an important audition, competition, or concert it seems that all the preparation and practice has been for nothing. Are you one of those performers?
If so, you are not alone. Performing well under pressure is a learned skill!
[Read more]

Are you ready to take your achievements to the highest level?

Discover how to express your potential at the best:

some key points of our proposal

  • Enter in the Flow State

    Achieving the Flow state, or Hyperfluidity, you will eliminate any obstacle between the interpretive idea and its realization on the instrument.

  • Social Media Promotion

    The Internet is a fantastic tool to make yourself known, but in order not to waste time and energy, it is better to rely on professionals.

  • Master your technique

    The original study methods presented here – mediated by martial arts masters and sport specimens – will enable to achieve the absolute mastery of the technique.

  • Perfect Memory

    Mental study techniques allow you to practice without the need of the instrument, making sure your memory is reliable.

  • Work/Life balance

    Music is a marvelous thing, but it can “eat” our entire existence at the expense of other important life areas.

  • Focus on Music

    When the “material” problems related to technique and memorization are solved, then one can really focus on interpretation and “Flow with Music”

Our mission

While society teaches us to be powerless, our mission is to help people to discover and unleash their own infinite power, and we strive to make this performance improvement experience the best possible.
Feel free to examine what we have to propose, ask the questions you want, and prepare to free the HyperPerformer in you!

“When we are relaxed, focused and determined,
we enter in a mind state where success is inevitable.” – Bruno Medicina